“Educating The Mind Without Educating The Heart Is No Education At All”
why we do, what we do …
Supporting young people, their parents and teachers to empower them to Raise Aspirations and Achieve Goals through a compassionate and holistic learning strategy of excellence.
The often quoted proverbial wisdom, “Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime”, is an exemplar for the merits of education. Is there any greater investment in oneself than in learning? We would say yes. How much greater is it to learn how to learn? Why stop at catching fish!
Most people would agree that the idea of writing their own distinctive story and being the author of their own experience is worth investing in. By working with us you can arm yourself with lifelong learning skills to access your inner resources to bring forth your vision of a compelling future.
Our purpose is to work with young people to help them be curious, to help them see the genius in themselves, to feel empowered, be heard and more importantly to listen. With our compassionate based learning model, you are armed with a skillset of accelerated learning, resiliency and personal mastery so you can excel in your chosen field and access the very best schools and universities – and achieve those top grades in exams!
How do you do that? To paraphrase Aristotle- true education is one of the mind and the heart. Once there is balance and harmony (or RAAG in ancient Sanskrit) in your life, then, you unlock the doors to opportunity. It is in developing and balancing a growth heart-set with a growth mind-set that you are driven to higher achievement. This is the process we call ‘learning to learn’.