Hypnosis for positive change
“You Have Power Over Your Mind – Not Outside Events. Realize This, And You Will Find Strength.”
RAAG hypnotherapy can help you with…
Wellbeing for adults and children
listed below are some of the areas in your life that we can help you with:
Stress management
Weight management
Smart phone management
Sleeping well
Nail biting
Grinding teeth
Anxiety and Phobias (available as a face to face intervention only)
Academic/career success
listed below are some of the areas in your academic life that we can help you to be better at:
Exam success
Accelerated learning
Study skills
Public speaking
Sports Performance
Overcoming procrastination
What is hypnotherapy…
“IT ALL STARTED WHEN… A long time ago, in a far-off land….”
By reading the above simple line we can be carried off on an adventure, romance or anything you desire to create, because we are born into stories, metaphors, songs and poems. The greatest special effect we have is our imagination; accounts of imagery and symbolism ease us into a ‘trance’, an hypnotic state that we all dive into – a natural state of being. A natural hypnotic state we’ve all experienced if we’ve been so absorbed in an activity, such as reading a book or watching TV, that we become oblivious to what is going on around us until we slowly register that someone is calling us and we become consciously aware again.
To put it simply, hypnosis, a relaxed state of highly focused attention and whilst in this state it appears that many people are open to helpful suggestions. It is this openness to positive suggestions which allows hypnosis to be used in clinical therapy. These suggestions by-pass the conscious mind and take root in the subconscious where they grow.
In effect, what is happening is that you are using your innate resource, the state of hypnosis, to access the subconscious mind to make positive meaningful suggestions. Better outcomes are achieved if these suggestions are personal to the individual. They will only work if the individual wants them to and is actively engaged in the process. It may take several sessions of hypnosis for there to be any noticeable changes. This is because although the brain retains it plasticity from the cradle to the grave, unless there is an underlying pathological reason such as Alzheimer’s when the brain loses its plasticity, the habits which have been formed have repeatedly reinforced the established circuits within the brain and these circuits fire stronger and faster than the newer less-established circuits. This can make it more difficult to change to the ‘new way’ despite the person’s best efforts.
Hypnosis, and the process of hypnosis, is an art. It is where we speak the words and you paint the pictures; this phenomenon of hypnosis has incredible potential to help people utilise the resources they already have so they can be the best version of themselves that they want to be.
Find out more on how the process of hypnotherapy can create a space for therapy to help you change. Remember that each person is unique, as are the problems they face, and so our service is personalised to what you want.
We offer hypnosis as a tool for positive change and are qualified to help you in the aspects of your life that you want to change.
Working together…
If you are not able to get to our practice location in the Birmingham area, or would prefer your session in the comfort of your own home, you can now have a Zoom/Skype session with us. Web based sessions eliminate time and geographical restrictions and our preferred method is by Zoom/Skype video conferencing.
Prepare a quiet room where you will be undisturbed. Call it your ‘liminal space’. A space where you are free of distractions, past events or future worries and where you can make a transition from where you are to where you want to be.
Computer or tablet (but not a mobile phone) with:
Reliable broadband internet connection
Video camera
Headphones or ear-buds
Zoom/Skype sessions are available 10 am to 8 pm, Monday to Friday, and at weekends from 12 noon to 4 pm. (All times are local UK times)
We have an initial session, where we listen to you and find out what it is that you want and agree a ‘well-formed outcome’ based on your goals, including how many sessions will be required. We recommend between 3 to 6 sessions, maximum of 10, for longer lasting benefits and at the end of the sessions we will prepare a digital recording together with instructions and guidelines for you to download.
The fee is £80 for per session (usually around an hour). You will receive an email confirming your session and instructing you how to make payment online.
Your session is only confirmed once payment has been received. Please make payment at least 48 hours before your session.
If you want to become the higher version of yourself then please call us to discuss where you are now, where you want to be and how to get there.