RAAG Coaching

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F.A.S.T learning

Q. Who is the best learner that you have ever met?

A. It’s YOU…

As a child you were born with a blank canvas, no anxiety just joy, no confusion jut clarity, no procrastination just curiosity. You soaked up knowledge and skills literally in leaps and bounds.

But. along the way, the outside world influenced you to some extent and if you worry about perfectionism or keep putting off assignments and revision then read on for a simple technique to learn faster.

Focus - on attention and attitude

  • Attention - Focusing your attention simply means to stretch towards your goal one step at a time. Whether it is termly or work based, place your attention on the interim goals to get to your long term goal. That could be GCSE’s, A levels, IB, Oxbridge offers or a 1st class honours degree.

  • Attitude - Focusing on your attitude to study, revision and exams will help you decide how important they really are to you. How much do you want to succeed in your studies and get the best possible outcome? Are you willing to invest the time and energy and take action? Also, having a positive attitude towards your studies and exams will make it easier to put in the effort and one way to create positivity is to anchor previous success. For example, visualising a good day, acing an exam or the rewards of getting into your chosen university.

Active - listening and learning

  • Active listening - The difference between hearing the words as sounds to understanding the meaning behind them. You can do this by a simple body check, sit upright and alert and use your sight to engage with the tutor.

  • Active learning - Move from being a passive player in the game to taking ownership of your studies. Write notes and summaries, discuss them with your peers, teach others what you know will further deepen your knowledge and cement the learning into your long term memory.

State - management for a curious and motivated mindset by fully engaging in the learning process, with your mind, body and emotions.

  • Curious mindset - Be like a child and feel the wonder in the learning. Start off with a blank canvas and soak up what you hear and see by being excited about the why, how and what.

  • Motivated mindset - Outward motivators rarely last but when you light your own spark then it will grow brighter and longer. So, ask yourself why am I learning this? Where will I be in 5 years time if I excel at this? What would happen if I don’t bother at all?

Today - being in the present moment and action

  • Mindfulness - Be aware of your thoughts and feelings and that today is the only day that matters. Don’t practice it but live it by taking time out every day, perhaps in the morning, to sit in silence and let your thoughts come so you can acknowledge them with compassion and then witness them going.

  • Acting on the task now - This helps you form habits that eliminate most procrastination, not all, as sometimes you need to unwind. The science of neuro-plasticity tells us that the brain gets hardwired by continued behaviour and just as we can make limiting habits so we can remake them into empowering ones.

To find out how Kim and I can support you on your learning journey, exam success and getting into the university of your choice, click the button below.