RAAG Coaching

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Lockdown-What the future holds for you at university and beyond 

How can you be in the moment but also plan for the future when there is so much uncertainty! What will your first or next term at university look like, without exams what grades will you score on your O/A levels, what will your degree classification be based on, what will happen after graduation and so forth. With so much uncertainty regarding education and careers, do you go with the flow and hope for the best, or do you go within, to access your inner resources and take control of your destiny, regardless of the direction the winds of change may take you.  

It’s a choice and like all choices it is yours to make but if you do decide to plan your future goals then remember this: it’s all about the process and journey. 

So, as you read this now and wonder how to achieve you goals you may want to try the following on being in the moment and still be focused on your goals. 

  • Attention on future goals: what is it that you want? Is it getting into your first choice University? Is it graduating with a 1st class honours degree? or anything in between or outside of those! Set your goal and then work back to the present moment; where are you now? 

  • Intention on the NOW: this is where the magic happens! Not the future or the past but NOW! So, if you have exams that aren't pass or fail then why not aim for the best and the formative study will hold you in good stead for the following year. Why not try the free online courses over summer (EtonX/Harvard/Open University etc.) to build and academic portfolio you can use on your CV?  and build your network on LinkedIn. 

  • Ernest Young once said “Where the mind goes, energy flows”, and by setting your attention on what you want and then focusing your intention on the present you will find it so much easier to get into the ‘flow’. Here is a link to a great audio that many others have found helpful in these uncertain times

  • Build your resiliency by simple habits such as gratitude journals, mindfulness practice, human connection and commune with nature. 

  • Have no more than 3 tasks at the same time – small steps are SMART steps and when you build upon them you get BIG rewards 

  • Agile and flexible working is the future as are soft skills such as communication, empathy, resiliency, leadership and teamwork 

  • Creativity stands you out so cultivate it  

Good luck, work smart and love life.