“You can teach a child the importance of pain by your behaviour. You can also teach a child the importance of no pain by your behaviour.”
Cradle to Career Package
Cultivate a renewed and deeper sense of purpose, and direction to grow, and enhance your ability to learn beyond techniques and instructional strategies.
Improve your skills in connecting to your own, and others’, intuitive wisdom, goodness, and compassion.
We work with parents, as well as their children, in a whole mind body approach to learning. As the saying goes “an acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree”, so parents play the major role in guiding and nurturing their children to become healthy, wealthy and wise.
Even without us knowing, a child is learning from us:
From 0 to 7 years, our habits and beliefs (empowering and limiting) are imprinted on them.
From 7 years to 14 years they become themselves and start to grow independently, modelling their peers and the wider society.
From 14 years to 21 years they become the person they will be.
This is the reason so many of us have belief systems that are unresourceful.
It is these 3 stages of youth that define our role in life: the hero or the victim; our character development and emotional literacy by the time we leave university, but they are not set in stone.
It is for this reason we offer a service to help parents in a “Cradle to Career” package so they can integrate cognitive, emotional, social and achievement skills into their parenting style. Helping their children to develop the resiliency skills (how to create “safe” places from the ‘inside out’ so they don’t need artificial safe spaces) and asset building skills (the growth mindset and heartset).
If you want the genius in your child recognised, and want to help them to be the hero they can be, then please contact us.