University and Oxbridge applications…
Academic Portfolio Package
How do you go from building blocks as a child to studying at Red Brick universities, Russell Group, Oxbridge, Ivy League or any other top university? What is it that connects those simple blocks and holds them up as grand buildings and dreaming spires?
As children, you experiment by building blocks up, collapsing them down and then trying again. This experiential learning is how you discover gravity and then you build on this knowledge.
Like the cement or mortar, which really builds and connects the blocks or bricks, it is your learning and experience that connects your ideas together so they hold firm and become your dreams.
Join us to learn, discuss and build your portfolio so that you can confidently apply to your university of choice be that Oxbridge or any other university.
Highlights include how to write powerful personal statements, preparing for entrance exams, interview workshops and planning your roadmap to academic growth.